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Trademark Law

Using ADR to Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes

May 17, 2019

Intellectual property litigation is on the rise, and so is alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve these matters. In June 2019, Kyle-Beth Hilfer will leverage her years of experience as an ADR neutral to moderate two panels that consider the options for using ADR in intellectual property litigation.


FAQ on Cannabis Trademark Applications

May 15, 2019

Cannabis, CBD, Hemp. The products are in the news and on the shelves. Businesses should be considering filing for trademark applications to protect their intellectual property. This article answers your FAQ re cannabis trademark applications.


Trademark Concerns for Restaurants

March 6, 2019

As restaurants turn increasingly to social media to lure in patrons, their legal exposure increases. On March 19, 2019, Kyle-Beth Hilfer will present at the New York County Lawyers Association’s CLE entitled “NYC Restaurant Law: Are You Ready for Business?” She will discuss best practices for protecting the restaurant’s intellectual property and promoting the brand lawfully. Below is a preview of her discussion on the most pressing concerns relating to restaurant trademarks.


Legal Problems with Loyalty Programs

December 7, 2018

Many brands are offering loyalty programs to reward customers’ fidelity and capture data about their guests. This blog introduces many of the legal problems associated with implementing and running loyalty programs.


Hilfer Law Expertise Sought in Patent Arbitration Process

September 28, 2018

Hilfer Law is excited to announce that ROSE Arbitration has asked Kyle-Beth Hilfer to join its panel of arbitrators. ROSE Arbitration offers an “IPRbitration” arbitration procedure to challenge a patent’s validity. This patent arbitration process offers an efficient alternative to the Inter Partes Review (IPR) process at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).


9 Common Legal Problems in Restaurant Marketing

February 26, 2018

Restaurant marketing has become commonplace, but restaurant owners may not realize their efforts may create legal risk.  Here are nine common legal problems that operators may confront in restaurant marketing.



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