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Speaking Engagements

July 19 Webinar Explores Prize Promotions in Social Media and Mobile Platforms

July 12, 2011

Today’s social media and mobile platforms offer companies unique outreach strategies that encourage customers to return and to spread the word about their products and services. At the same time, it is important to understand that these exciting opportunities also create legal risks and challenges. Companies may unwittingly push the boundaries of the law as they forge ahead with these new marketing strategies.


Fearless Marketing: Five Steps to Launching a Social Media Presence

May 24, 2011

Last week, I spoke at the GSMI Social Media Legal Risks and Strategies Summit on “Protecting Your Brand in Social Media” and “Prize Promotions in Social Media and Mobile Marketing.” Most of the audience was feeling their way into social media and trying to get a handle on the legal issues they might confront. While many attendees seemed convinced of the power of social media, they also seemed scared by the risks. I was reminded of the words of Theodore Roosevelt: “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Indeed, it is possible to chart a course in social media that affords legal protection and safeguards to a brand. Below, I outline a five step process.


GSMI Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit: Sandwiched by FTC Enforcement and Class Action Litigation

May 3, 2011

Last week, I spoke at the GSMI Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit in San Francisco on running mobile promotions. The Summit’s timing was impeccable. Before the Summit, the FTC announced enforcement actions under the TCPA and the Telemarketing Sales Rule. Immediately after the Summit, class action lawyers filed complaints based on mobile marketers’ practice of confirming consumers’ desire to opt-out. With flip cameras going by the wayside and smartphones increasing in market share, mobile devices are increasingly important in our lives. As brands step into this nascent space, it is crucial to understand the legal issues that permeate mobile marketing.


Kyle-Beth Hilfer to Speak at GSMI’s 2011 Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit in San Francisco — April 26.

April 5, 2011

Kyle-Beth Hilfer will speak on “making your mobile promotions effective and compliant” at GSMI’s 2011 Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit. Presenting with Jennifer Cohen of Something Creative, LLC, Kyle-Beth will address the legal issues of mobile marketing and working collaboratively with a brand’s marketing team to ensure a successful mobile promotion.



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