Social Media
Risky Pinterest Business? Questions on Intellectual Property Protection and Brand Promotion
December 5, 2012Pinterest’s announcement last month that it would allow the creation of business accounts seemed a welcome development. After all, the site had always encouraged authenticity but had not been welcoming authentic commercial use. Now businesses can come out of the shadows and claim their board’s business pages. In so doing, they still face many unanswered questions.
Read More...Legal Response to Newcomers’ Concerns in Launching Social Media Campaigns
November 12, 2012October, 2012 was a busy month for social media panels in Westchester, NY where my offices are located. I spoke at the Westchester County Bar Association about “The Evolution of Lawyers’ Ethics: Traps in Traditional Transactions and in the Use of Social Media” and at the Ad Club of Westchester on “Real World Successes (and Lessons Learned) with Social Media.”
Read More...Influencer Marketing Programs: The FTC is Watching
October 28, 2012The FTC recently closed its investigation of the Hewlett-Packard Company and its public relations firm, Porter Novelli, Inc. for violations of the 2009 Endorsement and Testimonial Guidelines. In a case that closely mirrors the Ann Taylor investigation of 2010, the FTC provided insight into how it determines whether to proceed with charges. (To read its closing letter, click here.)
Read More...Legal Lessons from Nutrisystem’s Pinterest Testimonial Campaign
July 16, 2012On July 12, 2012, the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus (NAD) completed its review of Nutrisystem, Inc.’s Pinterest campaign entitled “Real consumers. Real success.” The NAD’s press release announced that Nutrisystem’s weight loss success profiles constituted consumer testimonials and should be in compliance with the FTC Endorsement and Testimonial Guidelines.
Read More...Why Brands Need to Conduct Background Checks Before Choosing Their Sweepstakes and Contest Winners
June 26, 2012Are you choosing a fan to reward in a social media sweepstakes or contest? Many advertisers find it useful to investigate the background and history of the potential winners for criminal or unsavory backgrounds before awarding the prize. Because social media leaves the brand so exposed to negative public relations, contestant vetting is a vital due diligence step. As the attorney drafting the promotions’ rules, I may collaborate with a private investigator on these issues.
Read More...How To Give Your Brand’s Advertising Increased Free Speech Protection
May 24, 2012As advertising content becomes more sophisticated and crosses over into entertainment, it is becoming more difficult to distinguish commercial from noncommercial speech. Why does this matter? The First Amendment affords a higher degree of protection for noncommercial speech than commercial speech. A recent lawsuit between Michael Jordan and Jewel Food Stores, Inc., a grocery chain, erodes the line between noncommercial and commercial messaging.