July 2011
Lessons Learned from a Social Media Specialist’s Firing
July 26, 2011Last month, the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Center (LVEDC) in Pennsylvania fired a social media “specialist” after she posted the following Tweet: “We start summer hours today. That means most of the staff leave at noon, many to hit the links. Do you observe summer hours? What do you do?” It seems that the specialist was using social media correctly to try to engage followers in a conversation. On the other hand, the tweet led some followers to question if Friday golf was appropriate for an organization funded at least partially by tax dollars.
Read More...July 19 Webinar Explores Prize Promotions in Social Media and Mobile Platforms
July 12, 2011Today’s social media and mobile platforms offer companies unique outreach strategies that encourage customers to return and to spread the word about their products and services. At the same time, it is important to understand that these exciting opportunities also create legal risks and challenges. Companies may unwittingly push the boundaries of the law as they forge ahead with these new marketing strategies.
Read More...Ten Tips for Managing Summer Interns in Social Media
July 5, 2011Do you think your company is ahead of the curve? Maybe you have social media policies in place. Perhaps you have training sessions twice a year to review social media do’s an don’ts and to sensitize your employees to appropriate behavior in social media. But what about your summer interns? Here today, gone tomorrow, summer interns should be subject to different social media policies from year round employees.