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Trademark Law

Art Licensing: Key Legal Terms from the Artist’s Perspective

May 10, 2011

With Surtex coming in a week and Licensing Show 2011 approaching in June, I thought it would be appropriate to review some of the key terms of an art license. The heart of the license is the grant of rights and the compensation provisions. This week’s blog post offers advice to the Artist Licensor. Next week, I will provide examine an art license from the Licensee/Manufacturer’s perspective.


Five Common Legal Errors in Internet and Social Media Marketing

April 25, 2011

I have met a surprising number of experienced business people who do not budget for legal advice. Here are five common legal mistakes in Internet and social media marketing that can result in financial penalties and business interruption.


And the Oscar Goes To….Brand Marketers with a Clear Vision

March 3, 2011

Were you as bored by this year’s Oscar presentations as I was? James Franco and Ann Hathaway were supposed to provide a young and hip version of the Oscar brand. I’m not sure that seeing James Franco in drag qualifies. But when technology revived Bob Hope as a host, or when Billy Crystal took the stage, the Oscar brand came back to life!


Fox Business News quotes Kyle-Beth Hilfer on Trademark Protection

February 15, 2011

On February 3, Fox Business News published an article for small business owners on how to handle a trademark violation. Kyle-Beth offered advice to readers about how to confirm trademark infringement exists and how to use a cease and desist letter properly.



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