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Advertising and Marketing Law

Legal Concerns in Designing Restaurant Menus

August 22, 2012

Many states regulate offering specific foods in restaurants. There is little consistency from state to state, resulting in a morass of legal regulations that affects restaurants’ menu options.


Legal Lessons from Nutrisystem’s Pinterest Testimonial Campaign

July 16, 2012

On July 12, 2012, the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus (NAD) completed its review of Nutrisystem, Inc.’s Pinterest campaign entitled “Real consumers. Real success.” The NAD’s press release announced that Nutrisystem’s weight loss success profiles constituted consumer testimonials and should be in compliance with the FTC Endorsement and Testimonial Guidelines.


Why Brands Need to Conduct Background Checks Before Choosing Their Sweepstakes and Contest Winners

June 26, 2012

Are you choosing a fan to reward in a social media sweepstakes or contest? Many advertisers find it useful to investigate the background and history of the potential winners for criminal or unsavory backgrounds before awarding the prize. Because social media leaves the brand so exposed to negative public relations, contestant vetting is a vital due diligence step. As the attorney drafting the promotions’ rules, I may collaborate with a private investigator on these issues.


Sugary Soda Ban in NYC: Rational but Unreasonable

June 12, 2012

I rarely feel compelled to give my opinion publicly, but this one has me fuming. Mayor Bloomberg of New York City wants to ban supersized soda and sugary beverages sold at restaurants, delis, food carts, movie theaters, and arenas. The ban would apply to any container holding more than 16 ounces, and if passed by the NYC’s Board of Health, could go into effect as early as March, 2013. Violators would face fines.


Marketing Promoting Products’ Health Benefits Needs Annual Checkup

June 5, 2012

For marketers of health foods and food-derived products, supplements, nutraceutical products, and weight loss products, these are dangerous times. Many of these marketers tout their products’ health benefits in advertising. In the past two years, however, we have seen and increase in challenges to such advertising from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), state Attorneys-General, class action lawsuits, and watchdog group and industry lawsuits.


How To Give Your Brand’s Advertising Increased Free Speech Protection

May 24, 2012

As advertising content becomes more sophisticated and crosses over into entertainment, it is becoming more difficult to distinguish commercial from noncommercial speech. Why does this matter? The First Amendment affords a higher degree of protection for noncommercial speech than commercial speech. A recent lawsuit between Michael Jordan and Jewel Food Stores, Inc., a grocery chain, erodes the line between noncommercial and commercial messaging.



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