September 2012
Why Penny Auction Sites Could Be Dangerous and Possibly Illegal
September 28, 2012The Internet offers multiple websites luring consumers with promises of free iPads, TVs, and high-tech cameras. Many of these sites are auction sites, selling brand-name merchandise at deep discounts. Consumers bid on the merchandise, just as they do in an auction, but they frequently have to pay for the opportunity to bid. The sites are often referred to as “penny auction” sites, and variations on the model are proliferating rapidly on the Internet.
Read More...Back to School: Lessons in Truthful Advertising
September 5, 2012Like other mothers across the country, my back-to-school ritual last week included a visit to Staples to shop for school supplies. Who would not be lured by “easy” shopping but more importantly “free” highlighters? Indeed, the “free” highlighters were of particular interest to me as a mother, but they were also of equal interest to me as an advertising lawyer.